What you Want to Remember


dstild’s a platform
for taking ideas from class
into busy lives


About Us

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To distill is to “extract the essential meaning.” That’s what we’re all about: extracting key ideas from the classroom (/retreat center/training program/etc.) so that more of them get remembered.

Here’s how it works. Using charts and doodles, we make course concepts a little more “sticky.” Then we share them with students through simple text messages. Our goal? To make education more impactful by making it more memorable.


Dstild is created by Wharton Professor Cade Massey.


Cade teaches Influence, Negotiation, and Decision-Making. He’s been featured for his research in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Economist, and NPR.


This work has been inspired by Liz Fosslien's insightful illustrations, Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt's oblique questions, Jennifer Thornton's whimsical doodles, and countless former students' creative projects. Emily Snow Miller was an early, vital collaborator.


Our Gallery

These samples feature artwork from Avery Brundige, Woody Harrington, and Jennifer Thornton. If you’re interested in products that feature this artwork, visit our products.

Our Pilot

In summer 2021, we piloted dstild for Cade Massey’s Influence class.
Over 220 Wharton MBA students signed up to participate.


Pilot participants received insights via text to help them remember key lessons from class. Along the way, they provided feedback on their experience. Based on pilot feedback received to-date, we are (a) sticking with text messages as a our primary medium, but allowing users greater control over message timing; (b) designing new challenges and opportunities for social interaction; and (c) sequencing our content deliberately, to allow for more reflection and application.


Stay in Touch

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